Artistry Labs Support


Image Verification

Image Verification is a letter verification security feature, used on SignUp Forms, Blogs, and Guestbooks. It can be enabled or disabled for each item. The purpose is to prevent Spam programs from entering code into the fields of the item for the purpose of displaying advertisements on your page. An example of Image Verification is shown below.

1. Image Verification Example

Image Verification Example

2. Adding Image Verification to a SignUp Form

Adding Image Verification to a SignUp Form
  1. Click the Edit button on the SignUp Form
  2. Go to the Form Properties at the top of the window
  3. Change the Image Verification from "No" to "Yes"

3. Adding Image Verification to a Blog

Adding Image Verification to a Blog
  1. Click the pencil to edit the blog
  2. Click blog properties
  3. Change the image verification from "No" to "Yes"

4. Adding Image Verification to a Guestbook

Adding Image Verification to a Guestbook
  1. Click the Edit button on the Guestbook
  2. Change the Image Verification from "No" to "Yes"
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