1. Creating a Signup Form
1.2. Form Properties Tab
- Header Text: This is the name of the signup form you are creating.
- Contact Group Name: This is the contact group that any entries that are submitted using this form are sent to. You can access this information by going to "View/Edit Contact Data" under "Site Management" & "Contact Management".
- Image Verification: This will require that anyone who is submitting this form has to successfully complete a captcha.
- Submit Button Text: This is the text of the button that people will click to submit their completed form.
- Add Field: This will allow you to add additional fields.
- Sort Fields: This will allow you to reorder your existing fields. Once clicked it will change to "Save Sort Fields" which you will have to click to confirm your changes once you have finished sorting/reordering your fields.
- Add Spacer: Adds a spacer that will create separation between fields.
- Edit Field
- Delete Field
- Copy Field
- If you have your ecommerce set up through Artistry Labs then there will be an additional button here to "Add eCommerce Fields"
1.4. Administrator Notification Tab
- Submit E-Mail To: This is who will receive the administrator notification when a form is submitted.
- Submit the email from: This is who will be shown as the sender on the notification email.
- Send the email in: This will set the format of the notification email when it is sent.
1.5. Confirmation Tab
This tab has two elements.
- Email Confirmation: This is what the form submitted will receive via email.
- Webpage Confirmation: This is the confirmation message that will be displayed on the website upon the successful submission of a form.